tired. spent. grateful. well.

Hi all! I continue to be so thankful that you take the time to check in on us and follow our journey, particularly in the midst of a world that is falling further apart by the day. An FPIES mama friend shared this with me the other day, and it’s truer than ever:

We’ve got a couple updates to share- an accidental rice exposure for Lincoln that didn’t end in a reaction!- and a first virtual consultant with a feeding therapist for Miles. I’m looking forward to telling both stories and hope they’ll help you along in your FPIES journey. But, if I’m being honest, I don’t have it in me today! The world feels hard, and heavy, and I’m spent.

And in most ways, we have it so much easier than most right now. I already stayed home with my kiddos- allow me to welcome you to my life! 🙂 My husband’s job is relatively smoothly transitioning to work from home. My kiddos are used to lots and lots of days in our own house and space. And yet… we’re struggling. So many of the things that were essential for our well-being, we’re finding out, are nonessential. ECFE. Playdates. Library visits. Swimming pools. Coffee. Pedicures. So many of the things that kept us sane and gave us structure, space, and mental health, are no longer options.

And even that loss is really freakin’ hard to bear. We are lonely, and we’re tired, and we’re sick of each other 😉 And we’re grateful, and more thankful than ever for our health, and so so obsessed with these kiddos. It’s such a mix of feelings and it’s too much to feel it all at once.

All that to say…hang in there with me. Lean on your support system virtually. Check in with your people. Do more screen time, drink the good wine, take all the walks…do whatever you need to keep yourself healthy and sane in the craziest of times. If this is as hard as it is for us… I can only imagine how hard it is for so many of you. Please, please reach out if you’d like someone to vent to or process with. It’s too much to carry it all alone! Thinking of you all.

One thought on “tired. spent. grateful. well.

  1. All of this is yes! I’ve been overwhelmed by a rollercoaster of emotions from gratitude that we’re safe and healthy, followed by frustration of being couped up and being forced into a new normal which is not ideal.. then feeling like why am I complaining when my family and I have each other and aren’t sick? Oh, then back around again because I’m sick of you loves! 😜
    Thank you for articulating what so many of us are struggling with right now, even those of us fortunate enough to not have allergies on top of it all!


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